E-XAM supports all phases of the examination process of any kind of school and academic course
It looks like a web site and it is compatible with all devices and browsers
It boosts all phases of an assessment, from its creation to its correction
It is plug-and-play and fully customizable to specific needs (e.g., marks calculation)
It supports multiple languages and it has been used worldwide by many organizations teachers and students
It handles fairly and equally the information provided to students, the interactions, and the evaluation process.
It can be installed on a local server or it can be accessed directly from the Cloud
Its use is simple for both teacher and students.
It supports all kinds of assessments (including academic exams and self-assessments). It grants equity during examination and evaluation, and it is reliable and respectful to students.
Its interface is fully customizable and supports multiple language, time-zones, mark scales (US, EU, CN, ...) and different approaches for assigning marks.
E-XAM has been adopted in many universities and international courses.
time reduced during session preparation
time reduced during students examination
time reduced for correcting exams
time reduced for results consultation and review
E-XAM cuts off all of the administrative work of preparing, scrambling, and correcting exams
A wizard supports the teacher in preparing the assessment in few and easy steps. Automatic selection and scrambling of questions is supported. Questions databases can be re-used
Each examinee signs-in to E-XAM through a web browser and take the test
Correction is automatic and real-time. The teacher can select and fully customize the pass/no-pass scaling grade and objectives
Once marks are assigned and published, each student can review the test correction
International Courses
Assigned Marks